Do you have Spanish speaking technicians?

3 Step Owner Freedom Formula

Step 1: Owner Buy-In
No real change in a business occurs until the owner “owns” the problem You must buy-in to the belief that what causes owners the most pain and anguish is their company culture and the need to train the team on both technical and soft skills to create the company they always dreamed of owning.

Step 2: Team Training
Once the owner has committed to real change, all they have to do is have all team members watch Eric’s morning video lessons everyday. It will speed the process if the team has a quick discussion after the video and uses examples from your jobs to illustrate the points in the videos. If more training is needed for field supervisors and managers, subscribing to Eric’s John Maxwell Leadership training video series will be helpful for that level of team member.

Step 3: Everyone Wins
Once the system has been implemented for a period of time and the company’s technicians are moving up the MTM Success Path Ladder, the culture and buy-in will change dramatically for the better. The team will be more engaged, the clients will be happy due to better service, and the owner will be needed less often for putting out fires and will be happy with a more profitable and less stress.

Technician Success Path

"The morning videos are definitely making a difference in our shop." 

- Sandy, Silverhill, AL

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