Your Referral Reward Program

We all know the best new client is from a referral source.  You are Morning Tech Meeting's best referral source!  We will reward you for getting our system to other service business owners.

You can have a free membership with Morning Tech Meeting.  Just refer 4 friends and you get the Tech Whispering lessons for FREE.

We have a system that will pay you every time you refer someone to Morning Tech Meeting.  Right in your profile under My Account you will see AFFILIATE AREA.  There are links there for you to send to your colleagues to sign up.  We will send you 25% of any membership you refer.  There are many members who have FREE memberships to Morning Tech Meeting!

You can impress your colleagues by introducing them to an amazing training system for their technicians.  You will stand out by working with us.  Who trains soft skills technicians?  YOU!!!  

  • In-home behavior
  • Personal development
  • DISC training
  • In home sales training

By letting your associates know you engage in this training for your techs they will be interested.  


Send us their email or phone number and we will send them a few sample lessons.  The lessons sell themselves.  You will get credit from us and appreciating from your peers. 

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